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Joe Biden Increasing 2020 Democratic Lead, Bettors Backing Former VP

Tiffany Burroughs
Updated: 26 June 2023
2 min to read

Joe Biden, the ex-VP of the U.S., has enlarged his superiority in the competition to acquire the Democratic Party’s nomination for the 2020 presidential election.
Joe Biden 2020 odds Democratic

Joe Biden is ahead of the pack as the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate; his PredictIt shares trading at 41 cents, a 14-cent increase in the past month. Biden has a 9-point lead in the Real Clear Politics polling average, maintaining control over the other hopefuls. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders follows closely behind at 31 cents, a 12-cent increase in the same period. Elizabeth Warren has seen her PredictIt shares drop from 16 cents to 10 cents over the past month. Pete Buttigieg and Michael Bloomberg are also sharing the 10-cent and 9-cent mark, respectively. All 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are chasing after Biden, yet the now 77-year-old is proving hard to catch.

Political War Time

2020 marks the beginning of a presidential election year, and while the possibility of a war-time election remains, the likelihood of that occurrence is thought to be unlikely at this stage. President Donald Trump caused a stir on the opening of the New Year by ordering a drone strike that fatally wounded Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, who was considered to have ties to terrorism. Iran retaliated on Monday night by firing missiles at two Iraqi bases that were inhabited by US troops, but fortunately, no one was hurt. In response to this, Trump proposed imposing economic sanctions instead of military power, and stated that Iran is currently “standing down”. Trump reasoned the drone attack on the grounds that Soleimani was reportedly organizing an imminent attack on the US; Joe Biden, on the other hand, refrained from believing the president since he “has lied so much about virtually everything” during his term.

The former Vice President stated, “No matter who ends up being nominated, don’t you think that this president will attempt to distort the reality of the situation with lies? As I’ve been increasingly attacked, my opinion poll numbers have been steadily rising.” Primary Odds.

Primary Odds

The 2020 primary season starts on February 3 with the Iowa caucuses, and PredictIt shows Sanders enjoying a clear lead over Biden, 46 cents to 25 cents. Sanders is predicted to win the proximate states of Iowa and New Hampshire, with PredictIt shares of 59 cents and 25 cents, respectively. Biden is seen as having an edge in Nevada, with his PredictIt shares at 46 cents vs. Sanders’ 43 cents. In South Carolina, Biden is likely to win, as his PredictIt shares trade at 81 cents. Additionally, the Real Clear Politics polling average shows Sanders slightly ahead in Iowa (+0.3) and New Hampshire (+4.0) but Biden is firmly in the lead in Nevada (+9.0) and South Carolina (+18.7).

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Updated: 26 June 2023
2 min to read

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