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Opinion: Politics has no place in sports

Tiffany Burroughs
Updated: 13 June 2023
3 min to read

As an avid sports fan, I have had enough of the politicization of sports. All I want to do is watch some high-quality basketball, baseball, or soccer and enjoy the pure fun of the game. Sadly, it appears that sports and politics now go hand-in-hand. NBA players have been wearing social justice messages on their jerseys, kneeling for the national anthem, and using post-game interviews as platforms to criticize the government. Furthermore, players have even gone as far as to walk off courts, almost cancelling an entire sports season. It is unjust to use the large platform of sports as a way to force political messages on people, and it is unfair to those who simply want to watch some games. No one should feel obligated or forced to watch a game while being bombarded with political messages and opinions which they simply do not agree with. Sports are here to be enjoyed, and politics have no place.
As a fan of sports, however, I am of the opinion that politics and sports shouldn’t mix. Outstanding athletes, such as LeBron James, Kyrie Irving, and Colin Kaepernick, have undoubtedly had a positive impact over the past year. Their commitment to family, professional excellence, and inspiring activism are admirable and remind us we can make a difference. Still, while I recognize the incredible accomplishments and activism of these athletes, I believe that sports should be kept out of politics.

When athletes’ political views become more notable than their performances and the competitions they are taking part in, this becomes an issue. Furthermore, organizations such as the NBA seem to be taking a side with the current Black Lives Matter logo they have recently introduced on court. While this phrase does indeed hold true – all lives should be treated with the same respect – the group behind the message, and its leadership, is stirring the pot for divisiveness and not unity. Although I believe the logo should remain, it is equally important for the NBA to think of new changes in the near future.

The inclusion of politics into sports has moved a traditionally nonpartisan arena towards a much more politicized one. It has caused players like Myers Leonard and Jonathan Isaac to make headline news for their simply wanting to show respect for their country. This, to me, does not belong in the world of sports. The beauty of the industry is that regardless of race, gender, or other facets of identity, people of every background can enjoy sports amongst each other. This associative union has been largely untouched by politics for years, creating a safe place for people to speak on topics even if they differ in opinion. Unfortunately, sports have become an area where political news is constantly barging into entertainment. If I am watching an NBA game, politics should not be the theme of the show.

I am yearning for a way out of the sometimes tense debates that take place in our Western culture. Athletics is not supposed to be a political battleground, just like I wouldn’t expect to see President Trump doing any slam dunks during any political discourse. Again, I don’t want to see anything from Republicans, Democrats, or any other political faction. There should be equal treatment regardless of which party people follow. Even though I may agree more with Colby Covington’s pro-police and anti-LeBron promotion, I think followers would still prefer him in the sports arena rather than propagating his political views. It’s not fair when the conservative athletes get rewarded for airing out their views by the right-wing but the liberals receive criticism. And unlike that, the opposite is also true.

Sports should be a place of entertainment, free from political interjection. Athletes are not politicians, and unless they decide to pursue office, they should focus on displaying their incredible athleticism. Maintaining professionalism is imperative in any workplace, and professional athletes should be no exception; remembering that they are being rewarded with millions of dollars to play their sport, not to be a political figure. It is in everyone’s best interests for sports to remain separate from political matters, as it allows opposing views to come together and appreciate the beauty of athletics.

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Updated: 13 June 2023
3 min to read

The professional casino player, author of books and articles about gambling, creator of gaming content. I study this field and am happy to share my knowledge and skills acquired over the years with everyone